PR Account Pros Give Creative Feedback to Classic Works of Art

There’s a lot of feedback flying around in the PR/advertising world.

No press release, key messages doc, social media post or piece of creative is complete without a few tweaks, plus ups, enhanced branding or added sizzle to make it pop.

On one particularly rough day of feedback, I thought to myself, “Goodness gracious. These people would give feedback to the Mona Lisa, a classic work of art!”

Which got me thinking about what creative feedback I would give to the Mona Lisa. I am an account person, after all.


“I feel like this woman could be painted by any artist. How is this Mona ownable to Leonardo Di Vinci?”

Hmmm, that was fun and therapeutic. I asked a few of my clever advertising/PR friends to take a break from their billable work and join in this classic art feedback exercise with me.

Now that we’re grounded in the background, here’s what they came up with:


David – Group Manager


Salvador Dali – The Persistence Of Memory:

“I think the creative is compelling but why did you decide to feature those times on the clocks? Will consumers notice that those aren’t our store hours?”




Tricia – Digital Director


Da Vinci – The Last Supper:

“We need to make sure we’re covering off on diversity. How is this reflective of all of our customer segments?”



Paul Cezanne – The Card Players:

“We’ll need to add prominent legal disclaimers or take out the wine bottle, and not imply that these are playing cards as we don’t want to condone gambling.”




Erin – VP


Georges Seurat – A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande: 

“Photo quality is grainy. Please send high-res version.”



Rene Magritte – The Son of Man:

“It’s hard to capture emotion here, with that apple in the way. Maybe we could move it over a bit to the left or the right (will defer to you)?”



Grant Wood – American Gothic:

“Is that branding I see on her collar pin? Let’s blur it out to be safe. Also, are we worried about implied safety issues regarding the way he’s holding that pitchfork?”




Aubree – Director, Consumer


Van Gogh – Starry Night:

“I’m just not loving the blue…”



Da Vinci – The Last Supper:

“I’m just not sure we really thought this through.”



Michelangelo – The Creation of Adam:

“Feels a little 1495.”



Andy Warhol – Campbell’s Soup Cans:

“Can we add more branding?”






Jackson Pollock –  Number 5:

“First of all, I want to take a moment and really thank you for the effort you brought forward in this painting. You can tell that you spent a lot of time and energy into putting this together. Unfortunately, I don’t think this type of work will really resonate with our target audience. Remember, Gen Z’s only have the attention span of about 6 seconds. That’s less than a goldfish! And while, as a Gen Xer, I really like the piece, I don’t think it’s going to grab their attention. I mean. There’s just too much going on! How does this translate into the 360 marketing model? Where’s the in-store component? Out of home? How can I make this into a Snapchat filter? I understand that it’s exactly what I wanted in the brief, but maybe I got the brief wrong.”




Evan – Senior Account Executive


Edvard Munch – The Scream:

“Are we going too negative here?”



Grant Wood – American Gothic:

“I just don’t think this is sexy enough.”



Salvador Dali – The Persistence of Memory:

“These watches look broken.”




Margaux – Senior Digital Associate

three panel

Hieronymus Bosch – The Garden of Earthly Delights: 

“Instead of three separate panels, could you just combine the parts we like from each section into one painting?”




Too much fun. Let’s close the loop with some final feedback on The David by Michelangelo:


Before we get too far into this, let’s take a step back.

Wait, now that I’ve taken a step back I can’t really see it.




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